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Quick Start

This page quickly explains how to run Gate as a Minecraft proxy for your servers.

Installation Methods

Binary Download prebuilt binary for your operating system. Normal users
Golang Use Golang tooling to install Gate. Developers
Docker Use prebuilt Docker image or Docker Compose to run Gate. Intermediate
Kubernetes Use example deployment manifest to run Gate on Kubernetes. Advanced

Running Gate

After installing the binary, you can run the Gate Minecraft proxy using the gate command.

$ gate
INFO	gate/root.go:93	logging verbosity	{"verbosity": 0}
INFO	gate/root.go:94	using config file	{"config": ""}
INFO	config	gate/gate.go:205	config validation warn	{"warn": "java: No backend servers configured."}
INFO	java	proxy/proxy.go:299	Using favicon from data uri	{"length": 3086}
INFO	java	proxy/proxy.go:472	listening for connections	{"addr": ""}

Running Gate Lite Mode

Gate also has a Lite mode that can passthrough connections based on the hostname.

Configuring Backend Servers

Gate connects to your Minecraft servers and forwards client connections to them.

You can do this by creating and editing the config.yml file.

# This is a simplified config where the rest of the
# settings are omitted and will be set by default.
# See config.yml for the full configuration options.
    server1: localhost:25566
    server2: localhost:25567
    - server1
    - server2

The servers section defines the addresses of your Minecraft servers. and the try section defines the order in which players fallback to connect to.

There are many more options to configure, see Configuration for more!

Released under the MIT License. (web version: dc3eafdc)